read the tutorial
Blueprint is a pre-configured template on the Blynk IoT platform, that will help you create a fully functional project in a few minutes. It already includes mobile and web dashboard UI, working firmware, and a tutorial to help you connect your device to the Blynk IoT platform and control it from the app!

On this page you can review the blueprint to have an idea of the ready project you are going to get. Sign up for a free account on the Blynk IoT platform to try it out.


This guide will help you set up and launch your project using the Industrial IoT Wireless Vibration Temperature Sensor V3. You will learn how to measure vibration and temperature and send the data wirelessly to the NCD Enterprise IIoT Gateway and the Blynk IoT platform.

How To Use This Blueprint

Step 1: Unpacking and Initial Setup

1.1 Required Components:

1.2 Initial Setup:

  1. Unpack all components: Ensure you have all the required parts.
  2. Attach antennas to the sensor and gateway: This enables wireless communication.

Step 2: Configuring the NCD Gateway

The NCD Gateway connects your sensor to the internet and the Blynk platform. You can connect the gateway via Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or LTE.

2.1 Ethernet Configuration

Ethernet provides a stable and fast connection.

  1. Connect Ethernet Cable:
    • Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the ETH1 port on the gateway.
    • Plug the other end into your router or network switch.
  2. Power On the Gateway:
    • Connect the power adapter to the gateway and plug it into a power outlet.
    • The gateway should power on, indicated by the power LED lighting up.
  3. Access the Web Interface:
    • Open a web browser on a computer connected to the same network.
    • Enter the gateway’s IP address (you can find this in your router’s connected devices list) to access the web interface.
  4. Optional: Static IP Configuration:
    • If you need a fixed IP for the gateway, navigate to "Network > Ethernet" in the web interface and set a static IP.

2.2 Wi-Fi Configuration

Wi-Fi allows wireless communication between the gateway and your network.

  1. Connect to the Gateway:
    • Use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer to the gateway’s ETH1 port.
  2. Access the Web Interface:
    • Open a web browser and enter the gateway’s default IP address (typically
    • Log in using the default credentials provided in the device’s documentation.
  3. Set Up Wi-Fi:
    • In the web interface, go to "Interface > Wi-Fi".
    • Choose between Access Point (AP) Mode or Client Mode:
      • AP Mode: The gateway creates its own Wi-Fi network.
      • Client Mode: The gateway connects to an existing Wi-Fi network.
    • Enter the SSID (network name) and password of your Wi-Fi network if using Client Mode.
    • Click “Submit” to save the settings.
  4. Disconnect Ethernet Cable:
    • Once Wi-Fi is set up, you can disconnect the Ethernet cable.

2.3 LTE Configuration

LTE is ideal for remote locations where Ethernet or Wi-Fi isn't available.

More Information: To get more details about setting up the NCD Gateway, including other connectivity options and advanced configurations, visit the NCD Enterprise IIoT Gateway Blueprint on Blynk.

2.4 Choosing Connectivity Interfaces

The NCD Enterprise IIoT Gateway offers three main connectivity options: Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and LTE. You can choose the one that best suits your setup.

2.5 Access Interfaces

  1. Web Configuration: Access the configuration interface at http://[domain_or_ip] using ncdio / ncdB3ast for login.
    • Domain Name: The domain name format is ncd-xxxx.local, where xxxx are the last 4 characters of the Gateway's MAC address. The MAC address can be found on the side of the device. For example, if the last 4 characters of your Gateway's MAC address are c398, the domain name would be http://ncd-c398.local.
    • Network Settings: Configure static IPs, DNS, and firewall rules as needed.
    • Customizations: Set up user accounts, logging, and notifications for specific events.
  2. Node-Red: Visit http://[domain_or_ip]:1880 to use Node-Red.
  3. SSH Access: Connect via SSH with ncdio / ncdB3ast on port 22.

Step 3: Setting Up Your Device in Blynk

  1. Use the Sensor Blueprint: Click the Use Blueprint button.
  2. Activate the Device: On the right panel, click the Activate Device button.
  3. Generate AuthToken: Click the Generate AuthToken button. You'll need the generated AuthToken for the next step. Click button Next.

Step 4: Accessing Node-RED on the Gateway

  1. Open Node-RED:
    • In a web browser, navigate to http://[gateway IP]:1880 or http://[domain]:1880.
    • Log in to the Node-RED dashboard using ncdio / ncdB3ast.

Step 5: Configuring the Node-RED Flow

  1. Import the Flow:
    • Copy or download the firmware flow file from second step of device activation.
    • In Node-RED, press CTRL + I or use the menu to select Import.
    • Paste the copied code or upload the flow file (.json).
  1. Set Up MQTT:
    • Click on the any of the highlighted MQTT-out node.
    • Select the highlighted icon.
MQTT Property
    • Go to the Security tab.
Broker Property
    • Enter the AuthToken generated by Blynk as a password for your device (use “device” as the username).
Security Tab
  1. Your flow should look like this:

Step 6: Running the Sample Using Node-RED

  1. Deploy the Flow:
    • Click the Deploy button in Node-RED to activate the flow.
  2. Test Your Setup:
    • Go to to check the sensor data and verify everything is working.
    • The Blynk Web Dashboard consists of three main tabs: Dashboard, Historical Data, and Settings and Diagnosis. Below are detailed descriptions of each tab with corresponding screenshots:
      • Dashboard Tab:
        • This tab provides a real-time overview of the key parameters being monitored.
        • You can see metrics such as Total Vibration Level, Estimated Motor Speed, and Battery Level.
        • Additionally, detailed data for X, Y, and Z axes are presented, including Maximum Acceleration, RMS Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement.
        • The red color indicates areas of concern or values that might need attention, helping you quickly identify potential issues.
Dashboard View
    • Historical Data Tab:
      • This tab allows you to view historical trends of the collected data over different time intervals, such as 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, and more.
      • Graphs display data for RMS Acceleration, Max Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement for each axis, providing insights into the behavior of the system over time.
      • This tab is crucial for identifying patterns, understanding the performance of your system, and making data-driven decisions.
Historical Data
    • Settings and Diagnosis Tab:
      • In this tab, you can configure notification thresholds for critical parameters like vibration, temperature, and battery levels.
      • The tab allows for proactive maintenance by notifying you when certain parameters exceed predefined limits.
      • Additionally, you can view custom charts that help in detailed analysis of specific data points, ensuring that your system operates within optimal conditions.
Settings and Diagnosis
  1. Analyze and Adjust:
    • After reviewing the data on each tab, make necessary adjustments to your settings or setup. The dashboard, historical data, and settings provide a comprehensive view of your system’s health and performance, allowing you to maintain it efficiently.

Next Steps

After setting up your system and addressing any issues, you can expand and optimize your project with the following steps:


To ensure a smooth experience, make sure you are using the latest versions of the software and libraries. Below are some common issues you might encounter and their solutions:

Common Issues

  1. Connection Problems:
    • Ensure the sensor is powered and within range.
    • Check firewall rules.
  2. Calibration Errors:
    • Follow the software instructions to recalibrate the sensor.
    • Ensure the environment is stable during calibration.
  3. Node-RED Issues:
    • Flow Not Deploying: Check for syntax errors or missing nodes.
    • MQTT Connection Failure: Verify MQTT broker settings and credentials.

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