No more piecing things together. With Blynk, hardware, firmware, mobile app, and cloud all work seamlessly together from the get-go.
Users rave about the ease and reliability of our device provisioning, even for complex scenarios.
We analyze client feedback and adapt to the latest OS changes, ensuring that you're not left behind by tech shifts.
Blynk app looks for the devices in range
Tap the one you want to set up
Input WiFi password
Your IoT device is now connected and ready to roll
Look for Blynk.Edgent or Blynk.NCP ones, they include device provisioning.
Use the same firmware for all devices of the same type. No need for customization, making the process automated.
Once the firmware is in place, the devices are ready for the end-users. Simply pack and ship.
Opt for Blynk.NCP if your main controller can’t or shouldn’t run the networking stack or you're retrofitting an existing product with IoT capabilities. NCP cuts down integration costs and offers best in class time to market.
Use Blynk IoT app (iOS or Android) or Blynk.Console (web dashboard) for easy device setup using Bluetooth Low Energy.
Integrated over-the-air updates for Primary MCU firmware.
Simplifies the quality check process during manufacturing.
For devices without BLE connectivity, WiFi access point based provisioning is supported.
Store multiple network profiles, whether WiFi, Ethernet, or Cellular on your NPC module.
ESP32-MINI-1, ESP32-C3-MINI-1, ESP32-S3-MINI-1-N8, ESP-WROOM-32, U-blox NINA-W106, U-blox NORA-W106, Seeed WT32-ETH01, Witty Cloud, DFRobot WiFi Bee, ESP-07S, and more.
Choose Blynk.Edgent if your device relies on a single MCU to perform both its primary functions and manage IoT features. This simplifies your hardware configuration and may cut down your bill of materials.
Use Blynk IoT app (iOS/Android) or Blynk.Console (web dashboard) for easy WiFi-AP device setup.
Simplifies the provisioning process during manufacturing.
Code examples and endpoints for connection status indication and WiFi credentials reset with LEDs and buttons on the device.
Blynk.Edgent is compatible with ESP32, ESP8266, Seeed WiO Terminal, and Texas Instruments CC3220SF, as well as selected dual-MCU boards, learn more.
Daniel Mayer